Our pedigree in particle engineering
LaminarPace was originally invented by Assoc. Prof of Inhalation Toxicology Per Gerde at the Institute of Environmental Medicine in Karolinska Institutet.

He developed LaminarPace specifically to generate small amounts of micronized particle material for aerosolization, originally micronizing particles down to 1 – 5 microns. Consequently, the system delivered dried, thermostable particles that were well dispersed, with excellent size distribution, producing powders that are fast-dissolving and well-suited to inhaled and novel administration routes.
The many high-potential areas LaminarPace Mass Transfer drying methodology could be applied to soon became clear. For that reason, Inhalation Sciences carried out a spin-out of LaminarPace into a subsidiary, Ziccum AB, which since mid-2017 has been developing and commercializing the technology on its own.