Ziccum AB (publ) to carry out Proof-of-Concept feasibility study for pharma formulation company

(Stockholm July 2, 2019) Ziccum AB (publ) (“Ziccum”) is carrying out an early-stage feasibility study for an innovative pharma company.

The early-stage Proof of Concept study involves no financial exchange, but is to explore the compatibility of Ziccum’s air-drying capabilities with the company’s novel formulation. LaminarPace, Ziccum’s proprietary technology, air dries proteins, peptides and biologics at room temperature into stable, dry-form substances.

For more information about Ziccum, please contact:

Göran Conradson: CEO Ziccum AB

E-mail: conradson@ziccum.com

Mob: +46 709 61 55 99

About Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) develops new patented formulations of biological drugs where sensitivity to temperature differences, especially during transportation, currently limits medical and so commercial potential. The company’s patented technology, LaminarPace, develops dry powder formulations of drugs and vaccines that currently only exist in liquid form. By doing so Ziccum can increase the availability of drugs and vaccines in existing markets—and open up new ones.

The information above was provided by Ziccum AB (publ) through the above contact person, for publication on July 2, 2019.

Ziccum AB (publ) ska genomföra förstudie åt vaccinutvecklingsbolag

Stockholm 2 juli 2019. Ziccum AB (publ) (“Ziccum”) ska på uppdrag från ett vaccinutvecklingsbolag, genomföra en förstudie avseende utveckling av stabila vacciner.

Förstudien medför i detta läge ingen ekonomisk ersättning, utan syftar till att undersöka kompatibiliteten för Ziccums lufttorkningsförmåga och vaccinbolagets nya formulering. LaminarPace – Ziccums patenterade teknologi – möjliggör lufttorkning I rumstemperatur av biologiska läkemedel som proteiner, peptider samt vacciner för att utveckla torra, stabila substanser. 

För mer information, vänligen kontakta:

Göran Conradson, VD, Ziccum AB
E-post: conradson@ziccum.com

Mobil: 0709-61 55 99

Om Ziccum 

Baserat på bolagets patenterade teknologi ­– LaminarPaceTM– utvecklar Ziccum AB (publ) torra beredningar av biologiska läkemedel och vacciner som i nuläget enbart finns i vätskeform, där känslighet vid temperaturskillnader inte minst vid transporter i dagsläget begränsar medicinsk och därmed kommersiell potential. Med Ziccums teknologi LaminarPaceTM, kan tillgängligheten av läkemedel och vaccin ökas på befintliga – såväl som öppna nya – marknader. Ziccums aktie är upptagen till handel på Spotlight Stockmarket. www.ziccum.com

Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 2 juli 2019.

Ziccum erhåller forskningsanslag från Vinnovaccum AB (publ)

Ziccum AB (publ) Ziccum har erhållit 200 000 kr i forskningsanslag från Vinnova. Forskningsanslaget ska användas till att utvärdera Ziccums metod för framtagande av torra beredningar av vacciner.

Utvärderingen kommer ske i "TESTA Center" i Uppsala i lokaler som uppfyller BSL2 (biosafety level 2), vilket krävs inför samarbeten med industriella partners avseende utveckling av vacciner. ?

För mer information om Ziccum, vänligen kontakta:

Göran Conradson: VD Ziccum AB E-post: conradson@ziccum.com

Mobil: +46 709 61 55 99

Om Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) utvecklar nya, patenterade beredningar av biologiska läkemedel där känslighet vid temperaturskillnader inte minst vid transporter begränsar medicinsk och därmed kommersiell potential. Med bolagets patenterade teknologi LaminarPace utvecklas torra beredningsformer av läkemedel och vaccin som i nuläget enbart finns i vätskeform. Därigenom kan Ziccum öka tillgängligheten av läkemedel och vaccin på befintliga – och öppna nya – marknader.

Pressmeddelandet har ingivits för publicering av bolagets CEO den 28 juni 2019

Ziccum receives research grant from Vinnova AB (publ)

Ziccum has received a 200,000 SEK research grant from Vinnova AB (publ). The research grant will be used to evaluate Ziccum"s method of producing vaccines in dry-powder form.

The evaluation will take place in the ‘TESTA Center’ laboratories in Uppsala in premises that comply with BSL2 (Biosafety Level 2) standards, the required standard for collaboration with industrial partners on vaccine development.

For more information about Ziccum, please contact:

Göran Conradson: CEO Ziccum AB

E-mail: conradson@ziccum.com

Mob: +46 709 61 55 99

About Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) develops new patented formulations of biological drugs where sensitivity to temperature differences, especially during transportation, currently limits medical and so commercial potential. The company’s patented technology, LaminarPace, develops dry powder formulations of drugs and vaccines that currently only exist in liquid form. By doing so Ziccum can increase the availability of drugs and vaccines in existing markets—and open up new ones.

The information above was provided by Ziccum AB (publ) through the above contact person, for publication on June 28, 2019.

Ziccum AB (publ) Flaggningsmeddelande (Regulatorisk)

(Stockholm maj 29, 2019) Ziccum AB (publ) erhöll den 23:e maj 2019 information om förändring i antal aktier som är relaterad till Inhalation Science AB"s försäljning av 400 000 aktier.

Inhalation Science AB hade innan försäljningen 2 190 000 aktier i Ziccum, motsvarande 36,5% av kapital och röster. Efter transaktionen 23 maj är innehavet 29,8%. Flaggningsmeddelandet publiceras då innehavet passerar under 30% efter förändringen av antal aktier i Ziccum.

För mer information om Ziccum, vänligen kontakta:

Göran Conradson: VD Ziccum AB E-post: conradson@ziccum.com

Mobil: +46 709 61 55 99

Om Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) utvecklar nya, patenterade beredningar av biologiska läkemedel där känslighet vid temperaturskillnader inte minst vid transporter begränsar medicinsk och därmed kommersiell potential. Med bolagets patenterade teknologi LaminarPace utvecklas torra beredningsformer av läkemedel och vaccin som i nuläget enbart finns i vätskeform. Därigenom kan Ziccum öka tillgängligheten av läkemedel och vaccin på befintliga – och öppna nya – marknader.

Pressmeddelandet har ingivits för publicering av bolagets CEO den 29 maj 2019. 

Ziccum AB (publ) Flagging message (regulatory)

(Stockholm May 29, 2019) Ziccum AB (publ) received information on the change in the number of shares related to Inhalation Science AB"s sale of 400,000 shares on May 23, 2019.

Inhalation Science AB had 2 190 000 shares in Ziccum before the sale, corresponding to 36.5% of the capital and votes. After the transaction on May 23, the holding is 29.8%. The flagging message is published when the holding passes below 30% after the change in the number of shares in Ziccum.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an unofficial translation of the original notice, which is in Swedish. In case of discrepancies, the Swedish version shall prevail.

For more information about Ziccum, please contact:

Göran Conradson: CEO Ziccum AB

E-mail: conradson@ziccum.com

Mob: +46 709 61 55 99

About Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) develops new patented formulations of biological drugs where sensitivity to temperature differences, especially during transportation, currently limits medical and so commercial potential. The company’s patented technology, LaminarPace, develops dry powder formulations of drugs and vaccines that currently only exist in liquid form. By doing so Ziccum can increase the availability of drugs and vaccines in existing markets—and open up new ones.

The information above was provided by Ziccum AB (publ) through the above contact person, for publication on May 29, 2019.

Report from Ziccum AB (publ) Annual General Meeting, May 20, 2019

(Stockholm, Sweden, May 20, 2019.)  Today, May 20, 2019, the Annual General Meeting was held for Ziccum AB (publ). Below is a summary of the decisions made. All decisions were made with the required majority.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an unofficial translation of the original notice, which is in Swedish. In case of discrepancies, the Swedish version shall prevail.


The Annual General Meeting resolved to establish the presented income statement and balance sheet. It was also resolved at the Annual General Meeting that no dividend would be paid for the financial year 2018.


The Board of Directors and the President were discharged from liability for the 2018 financial year.

Board, auditor and fees

Ola Chamber, Kristian Kierkegaard, Mattias Münnich and Fredrik Sjövall were re-elected as board members and Mikaela Bruhammar was newly elected. Fredrik Sjövall was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. It was resolved that the fee shall be SEK 150,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 75,000 each to the other Board members.

Ernst & Young AB was elected to the auditing firm. Authorized public accountant Stefan Svensson will be the chief auditor. It was decided that remuneration to the auditor should be paid according to approved invoice.

Authorization for the Board to issue shares, convertibles or warrants

In accordance with the Board"s proposal, the Meeting resolved to authorize the Board of Directors, on one or more occasions before the next Annual General Meeting, with or without deviation from the shareholders" preferential rights, to decide on a new share issue or issue of convertibles or warrants. The issue may be made against cash payment, non-payment or set-off. The number of shares that may be issued, or, upon the issue of convertibles or warrants, additional after conversion or exercise, with the support of the authorization shall be limited to ten (10) percent of the number of shares outstanding at the time of this meeting.

Decision to change the seat

The Meeting resolved to amend the Articles of Association in such a way that the seat of the Board of Directors is changed from Huddinge municipality to the municipality of Lund.

Flemingsberg May 20, 2019

Ziccum AB (publ)

Board of Directors

For more information about Ziccum, please contact:

Göran Conradson: CEO Ziccum AB
E-mail: conradson@ziccum.com

Mob: +46 709 61 55 99

About Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) develops new patented formulations of biological drugs where sensitivity to temperature differences, especially during transportation, currently limits medical and so commercial potential. The company’s patented technology, LaminarPace, develops dry powder formulations of drugs and vaccines that currently only exist in liquid form. By doing so Ziccum can increase the availability of drugs and vaccines in existing markets—and open up new ones.

This press release was submitted for publication 20 May, 2019.

Kommuniké från Ziccum AB (publ) årsstämma den 20 maj 2019

(Stockholm, Sverige, maj 20, 2019.) Idag, den 20 maj 2019, hölls årsstämma i Ziccum AB (publ). Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades. Samtliga beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet.


Årsstämman beslutade att fastställa den framlagda resultat- och balansräkningen. Vid årsstämman beslutades även att ingen utdelning skulle lämnas för räkenskapsåret 2018.  


Styrelsen och verkställande direktören beviljades ansvarsfrihet för räkenskapsåret 2018.

Styrelse, revisor och arvode 

Till styrelseledamöter omvaldes Ola Chamber, Kristian Kierkegaard, Mattias Münnich och Fredrik Sjövall samt nyvaldes Mikaela Bruhammar. Till styrelseordförande omvaldes Fredrik Sjövall. Det beslöts att arvode ska utgå med 150 000 kronor till styrelseordförande och med 75 000 kronor vardera till övriga styrelseledamöter.

Till revisionsbolag nyvaldes Ernst & Young AB. Auktoriserade revisorn Stefan Svensson kommer vara huvudansvarig revisor. Det beslöts att arvode till revisor ska utgå enligt godkänd räkning. 

Bemyndigande för styrelsen att emittera aktier, konvertibler eller teckningsoptioner

Stämman beslutade, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, om bemyndigande för styrelsen att vid ett eller flera tillfällen före nästa årsstämma, med eller utan avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt, besluta om nyemission av aktier eller emission av konvertibler eller teckningsoptioner. Emission ska kunna ske mot kontant betalning, apport eller kvittning. Antalet aktier som ska kunna ges ut, eller, vid emission av konvertibler eller teckningsoptioner, tillkomma efter konvertering eller utnyttjande, med stöd av bemyndigandet ska vara begränsat till tio (10) procent av vid tidpunkten för denna stämman utestående antal aktier.

Beslut om ändring av säte

Stämman beslutade om ändring av bolagsordningen på så sätt att styrelsens säte ändras från Huddinge kommun till Lunds kommun.

Flemingsberg den 20 maj 2019

Ziccum AB (publ)


För mer information om Ziccum, vänligen kontakta:

Göran Conradson: VD Ziccum AB
E-post: conradson@ziccum.com

Mobil: +46 709 61 55 99

Om Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) utvecklar nya, patenterade beredningar av biologiska läkemedel där känslighet vid temperaturskillnader inte minst vid transporter begränsar medicinsk och därmed kommersiell potential. Med bolagets patenterade teknologi LaminarPace utvecklas torra beredningsformer av läkemedel och vaccin som i nuläget enbart finns i vätskeform. Därigenom kan Ziccum öka tillgängligheten av läkemedel och vaccin på befintliga – och öppna nya – marknader.

Pressmeddelandet har ingivits för publicering den 20 maj 2019.

Ziccum AB: senior Astra Zeneca vaccine & biopharmaceutical strategist to be new Board member

Few people know the special risks and rewards of working with vaccines and biopharmaceuticals better than Astra Zeneca’s VP Mikaela Bruhammar. From 2012-2015 she led the team that launched and grew Astra Zeneca’s unique inhalable LAIV flu vaccine in Europe and US. Now she will bring her biologics/ vaccine expertise and broad pharma commercial experience to the Board of Ziccum AB. She will be proposed as new Board Member at the company’s Annual General Meeting on May 20.

“The rewards can be great, but the risks can too. Vaccines aren’t like other pharmaceuticals. For some companies they can be scary”. She should know. From 2012 to 2015 Astra Zeneca’s current Vice President of Nordic-Baltic Business Unit in Respiratory, Inflammation and Autoimmune disease (RIA), was the Global Head of Astra Zeneca’s Vaccine Franchise—successfully developing and commercializing Fluenz (Europe) / FluMist (the US), its inhalable Flu vaccine for children.

“The business model for vaccines is significantly different to other pharmaceuticals. Vaccines are heavily policy-driven. They demand a long-term commitment from developers and government—you can’t change or adjust your vaccine programs every other year. The extensive collaboration needed between commercial forces, the WHO and governments is unique. It requires a level of commitment that ‘new-to-vaccines’ pharma companies can find scary. You have to ask yourself ‘can you commit to continue supplying this vaccine for the next 50 years?’”

Bruhammar and her team faced all these challenges, and more serious ones, when commercializing Fluenz. Yet they launched successfully in just three years, an exceptionally short period. How did they ‘achieve the impossible’? And what can it teach Ziccum?


“It’s true we had a really challenging product”, says Bruhammar. “It was a live vaccine, a weakened version of the flu virus itself. Once thawed from its frozen form it only had a shelf life of 16 weeks. So you can imagine the logistics. On paper it was an impossible product to sell. But the thing is it was highly efficacious, highly potent, and it was a needle-free, nasal spray vaccine aimed at kids – who don’t like injections. Plus children are highly infectious carriers of flu in the general population. So if you can successfully immunize your paediatric population you get a powerful knock-on effect on your overall population, in fact you only need to inoculate 30% of children in order to have a population-wide impact. So that was the package of benefits. There was a triple win. For us, the developer; for NGOs and governments; and crucially, for patients. Everyone got a clear win out of it. And because of that, all of a sudden stakeholders were willing to be flexible to get over the 16-week shelf life, for instance the EU regulatory agency agreed to an annual tailor-made approval process for this specific vaccine, a key enabler for the EU launch. And in the UK the NHS trained special vaccinators to administer Fluenz to millions of school-children during 1-2 months every fall.”


 “I see a lot of the same excitement and potential with Ziccum right now as I saw with the Fluenz project back then,” says Bruhammar. “It’s super-exciting to be joining at such an interesting phase. As Fluenz shows, you have to paint the big opportunity in such a way that people get it immediately. I see that connection with Ziccum. You can tell Ziccum’s dry vaccines and biologics story in two sentences and people get it. There’s a momentum that has already built up around Ziccum, and a big picture. Now I want to see that momentum accelerate. And as I said, the triple win—showing clearly how the technology solves key problem for pharma developers, NGOs and governments—and patients, is crucial.

“For example, dry powder formulation solves the cold chain challenge, but how would it be for patients and clinics? For conditions that require multiple administrations many clinics want the patient to self-administer. They don’t want large patient traffic or a logistics chain in-clinic. So a nurse having to reconstitute and rehydrate large batches of dry vaccines back into liquid solution might not be a win for them. But if an autoinjector reconstituted the dry powder back into solution for the patient, in the pen or device, with sterile water behind a seal that remixed the solution with a couple of shakes—then you’re back in the game. And as Fluenz shows, if the solution is a win for everybody people will solve challenges. For large investors, being able to make major cold chain savings could make it well worth solving other challenges. Whilst for big-volume vaccinations like standard flu shots or MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella that most children get at 1 and 3 years), if the clinic knows it has to administer 20 shots in the afternoon, and needs to reconstitute a batch in the morning, that’s still a saving that lets them administer more shots, because the price of the shots is lower, thanks to cold chain costs having been cut drastically. So dry formulation would obviously be a big benefit there. But it’s all about the real clinical setting and what Ziccum’s dry formulation capabilities actually look like in the end reality.  


“There are 2000 potential projects Ziccum technology could add value to. Applying Ziccum technology into the context of the real patient journey, making it real for patients and producers, is key to deciding which to prioritize and tackle first. It’s not until we see how the technology fits into the patient’s life and journey that we find the real value drivers and value points.

“A great partnership or collaboration scenario is where everybody wins. So it comes down to priorities. What is the scale we dare to grow to? Do we dare to dream big? The Fluenz case shows that even seemingly ‘impossible’ challenges can be overcome when you can demonstrate clearly how everyone wins. I drove forward commitment to vaccines within a company that was not really focussed on vaccines. It was a pivotal experience for me and gave me really great lessons in how to focus an organisation on vaccines and what to prepare for when moving towards developing vaccines.

“Plus, if we expand the definition of vaccines a little to include let’s say peptides genes or biologics which could be an on- or off- switch for an autoimmune disease say, then the opportunities are even bigger. There are some really promising auto switches for airway inflammation. What if you could switch-off asthma early on or stop COPD progression? For asthma and COPD – which are horrific diseases – these could stop that process, so people would not need to suffocate to death.

“I’m super-passionate about driving business and delivering results. I never hesitate to try, fail and try again. I believe dry formulations have a big part to play in vaccines and biologics, and I think that in inhaled biologics for sure there is a very visible lead or opportunity for the technology. With vaccines—there is currently human commitment from many of the most influential and progressive organizations on the planet. These groups and organisations have their eyes clearly on this, so maybe with their backing we can afford to think and dream bigger. I’m looking forward hugely to this journey.”

For more information about Ziccum, please contact:

Göran Conradson: CEO Ziccum AB

E-mail: conradson@ziccum.com

Mob: +46 709 61 55 99

About Ziccum

Ziccum AB (publ) develops new patented formulations of biological drugs where sensitivity to temperature differences, especially during transportation, currently limits medical and so commercial potential. The company’s patented technology, LaminarPace, develops dry powder formulations of drugs and vaccines that currently only exist in liquid form. By doing so Ziccum can increase the availability of drugs and vaccines in existing markets—and open up new ones.

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